Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Aging Democracy

       Democracy is known for a form of government in which all adult citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.  Equality and freedom have been the routes of democracy since ancient times, it has evolved over time.  There are different types of democracy which are Representative Democracy, Consensus Democracy, and Deliberative Democracy. These three different forms of democracy help represent a different form of freedom for its citizens each representing the same law of right for its people.  In the history of the United States Democracy has changed drastically in the way that people view it. For example how people view popular sovereignty and it being democracy the main political principle.  Democracy today all throughout the world is limiting the government to their power.
     The fight between the American Colonists and Great Britain was to help free the colonist from British rule. All the way from 1756-1763 made Britain want more control over the colonies because the French and Indian war. Even years later in 1775 when the battle of Lexington and Concord took place in Massachusetts proposing the Declaration of Independence making all the colonies free of British rule. The rejection of sovereignty, or authority, of the crown was drafted into the Declaration by Thomas Jefferson and finally freed the colonists from King George III.  America fought against Absolute monarchs therefore made power of the people popular and giving its citizens the right to choose who they want in power. The Declaration of Independence influenced Democracy.
     What created a base for the United States Constitution was the Virginia Declaration of rights. It permanently marked the rights of freedom of speech and religion.  Those rights remain the same throughout all states in the U.S. Democracy Impacted the world so much that now it’s the biggest political power.

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